Monday, July 28, 2008

Nominative idkwtf....

I read somewhere that one of the things you could do to give your kid a head start in life is to give the poor bugger a dorky name. Apparently, the idea is to get him/her used to the notion of overcoming adversity as soon as possible, starting from the bit when schoolmates make fun of said dorky name.

I pondered the possibilities of this for a while, thinking of things like otaku dorks naming their kids "Ryu", "Alucard" or for true facepalm lameness, "Squall", Posh and Bex naming subsequent kids after increasingly implausible geographic locations, based on where they were conceived ("Kitchen Table Beckham"), or maybe just going crazy with something like Leeloo Minai Lekarariba Laminatchai Ekbat de Sebat*.

Then my sister shows me this fantastic article about some poor kid whose parents cursed her with the name "Talula does the Hula from Hawaii". Go see. Have a laugh. Or perhaps be inspired with diabolical new ways to torment your newborn...

* I have no idea WHY I remember Leeloo's full name, but I just do. Meet me in person and I could tell you the full name of Llanfair PG, too...

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