It's a study in which evidence is presented showing that contrary to the claims of theists, religion is NOT a benefit to society. In fact, in the world's prosperous democracies, there is a relationship between quantifiable social problems (e.g. teenage pregnancy, abortions, STDs, suicides) and popular religiosity. Suffice it to say that the USA was found to have quite a lot to deal with on these fronts.
Anyway, I'm not here today to rattle on about the resurgence of God-loving foolishness in the country with the most functional nuclear weapons on Earth. Something else about that study just occured to me. Here's a list of the 'prosperous democracies' that were scrutinized in the study:
- Australia
- Canada
- Denmark
- Great Britain
- France
- Germany
- Holland
- Ireland
- Japan
- Switzerland
- Norway
- Portugal
- Austria
- Spain
- Italy
- United States
- Sweden
- New Zealand
Of course, there's another possibility, that whoever carried out the study didn't dare to offend the sensibilities of Muslim nations by pointing out their utter ineptitude and backwardness. But really, like the Danish cartoons and Ayaan Hirsi Ali's singularly fascinating life, that just speaks volumes about Islam's attitude toward freedom of thought.
There's something to be said for the power of free speech in hastening memetic evolution. And that's going to be said in this blog later, coz I'm hungry. Peace be upon y'all.
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